Charteris Neighbourhood Tenant Co-operative

Managing properties for the benefit of the local community.

An overview of the organisation

Our goal.


Charteris Neighbourhood Tenant Co-operative (CNTC) manages a variety of one, two and three bedroom flats and maisonettes plus a small number of houses in the Finsbury Park Ward of the London Borough of Islington. It was set up in 1978 by local residents in a bid to prevent the council from demolishing the properties and redeveloping the area.

What we do

The Co-op is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the properties it manages including the collection of rent due by tenants. With these responsibilities comes a sense of being part of a community with a common interest in the care of the local neighbourhood.

How it is run

Residents are members of the Co-op and make the important decisions on how the Co-op
is run and how to spend it’s money effectively. These decisions are brought to General Meetings, to which all members are invited to vote on.

What happens

The Co-op elects a Management
Committee, whose members meet regularly throughout the year to monitor the Co-op’s money, manage staff and make vital decisions on the management and maintenance of the Co-op’s properties. At the Annual General Meeting, the financial accounts are examined
and the Auditor is appointed for the following year.

Who we work with

The Co-op has a contract with Islington Council. This Management Agreement is approved by Central Government and it sets out the responsibilities of the Co-op and the
responsibilities of the Council, many of which are carried out by Homes for Islington (HFI), the Council’s Arms Length Management Organisation.


The Co-op is a member of the National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations. We are also a registered mutual member of the Financial Conduct Authority number 21921 R.

A mixture of responsibilities

Managing repairs and collecting rents.

Looking back

  • Early picture from the late 1970’s
  • b
  • c


  • A.
  • B.
  • C.

“a quote.”

Their name

Who are they

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